Craven Breeze Up Sale Newmarket le 25/06/2020

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Afficher les infos du lot en cours
1N (Xtrasensory 2018)M18Twilight SonXtrasensoryAbsent
2N (Aaraamm 2018)M18Invincible SpiritAaraammVendu 95 000 Gns
3N (Abby Road 2018)M18TamarkuzAbby RoadAbsent
4N (Acclimatisation 2018)F18KodiacAcclimatisationRacheté 70 000 Gns
5N (Aintisari 2018)M18Dark AngelAintisariRacheté 50 000 Gns
6N (Allerton 2018)M18SpeightsterAllertonRacheté 30 000 Gns
7N (Alluvial Gold 2018)M18Street BossAlluvial GoldAbsent
8N (Alpaca Fina 2018)M18MshawishAlpaca FinaAbsent
9N (Alpine Storm 2018)M18ShowcasingAlpine StormAbsent
10N (Always Trouble 2018)M18Distorted HumorAlways TroubleAbsent
11N (Amami 2018)F18DabirsimAmamiAbsent
12N (Angel Grace 2018)F18Kodi BearAngel GraceVendu 22 000 Gns
Nick Bradley Racing
13N (Arcamist 2018)M18Cable BayArcamistAbsent
14N (Atheera 2018)F18Charming ThoughtAtheeraAbsent
15N (Atlantic Drift 2018)M18Dark AngelAtlantic DriftAbsent
16N (Azhar 2018)M18Dandy ManAzharVendu 62 000 Gns
JS Bloodstock / G Scott Racing
17N (Bajan 2018)F18FlintshireBajanAbsent
18N (Bayja 2018)F18New BayBayjaVendu 120 000 Gns
Armando Duarte
19N (Blanche Neige 2018)F18Night Of ThunderBlanche NeigeRacheté 100 000 Gns
20N (Bouyrin 2018)M18The GurkhaBouyrinRacheté 62 000 Gns
21N (Brigids Cross 2018)M18No Nay NeverBrigids CrossAbsent
22N (Caelis 2018)M18Kodi BearCaelisAbsent
23N (Carding 2018)M18KendargentCardingAbsent
24Frosty's GiftF18GoldencentsCarl's Frosty GirlRacheté 40 000 Gns
25N (Casual 2018)F18ShowcasingCasualAbsent
26N (Celestial Dream 2018)M18No Nay NeverCelestial DreamAbsent
27N (Childa 2018)F18KingmanChildaRacheté 100 000 Gns
28N (Coincidently 2018)M18Dandy ManCoincidentlyVendu 140 000 Gns
Colm Sharkey, Agent
29N (Common Cause 2018)F18Bungle InthejungleCommon CauseAbsent
30SarrdarM18New ApproachCoolnagreeAbsent
31N (Crazyforlovingyou 2018)F18GleneaglesCrazyforlovingyouAbsent
32N (Crown of Diamonds 2018)M18Dark AngelCrown Of DiamondsVendu 50 000 Gns
Wadham Racing / WH Bloodstock
33N (Damask 2018)M18VadamosDamaskVendu 90 000 Gns
John & Jake Warren
34N (Dance On The Hill 2018)M18FootstepsinthesandDance On The HillAbsent
35N (Darinza 2018)M18KingmanDarinzaVendu 30 000 Gns
EAM Bloodstock
36N (ELEGANT BEAUTY 2018)M18ShalaaElegant BeautyAbsent
37N (Emerald Isle 2018)F18Night Of ThunderEmerald IsleAbsent
38N (Endless Fancy 2018)M18Kitten'S JoyEndless FancyAbsent
39N (Engraving 2018)F18CamachoEngravingAbsent
40N (Ermine And Velvet 2018)M18Pearl SecretErmine And VelvetAbsent
41N (Fantacise 2018)F18TerritoriesFantaciseAbsent
42N (Favourable Terms 2018)F18AcclamationFavourable TermsAbsent
43N (First Party 2018)F18Exceed And ExcelFirst PartyNon vendu 28 000 Gns
44N (Fisadara 2018)M18Cable BayFisadaraVendu 30 000 Gns
Jamie Piggott Bloodstock
45N (Flame Keeper 2018)M18CamachoFlame KeeperAbsent
46N (Galapagar 2018)M18Twilight SonGalapagarAbsent
47N (Gertrude Versed 2018)F18Invincible SpiritGertrude VersedAbsent
48N (Gladiatrix 2018)M18Twilight SonGladiatrixAbsent
49N (GREEN MINSTREL 2018)M18Invincible SpiritGreen MinstrelVendu 8 000 Gns
EAM Bloodstock
50N (Guana 2018)M18Twilight SonGuanaAbsent
51N (Harlan's Honor 2018)M18American PharoahHarlan's HonorVendu 400 000 Gns
Simon Chappell
52N (Hokey Okey 2018)M18Union RagsHokey OkeyVendu 60 000 Gns
Highflyer Bloodstock
53N (Honeymead 2018)M18KodiacHoneymeadVendu 270 000 Gns
Chris Dwyer, Agent
54N (Hurricane Emma 2018)M18GleneaglesHurricane EmmaAbsent
55N (Ihtifal 2018)M18IhtifalAbsent
56N (ILLAUNGLASS 2018)M18ShalaaIllaunglassAbsent
57N (Imperialistic 2018)M18TerritoriesImperialisticAbsent
58N (Island Magic 2018)M18IffraajIsland MagicAbsent
59N (Itiqad 2018)M18Oasis DreamItiqadAbsent
60N (Jumeirah Palm Star 2018)M18The Last LionJumeirah Palm StarAbsent
61N (Karoo 2018)F18Empire MakerKarooVendu 65 000 Gns
Townley Hall Bloodstock
62N (Kazeem 2018)M18KingmanKazeemAbsent
63N (Lady Liberty 2018)M18ShamardalLady LibertyVendu 150 000 Gns
Oliver St Lawrence Bloodstock
64N (LADY ORIANDE 2018)M18RajsamanLady OriandeVendu 32 500 Gns
Mr T R Gretta
65N (Lady Springbank 2018)F18Oasis DreamLady SpringbankAbsent
66N (Lady Viola 2018)F18SiyouniLady ViolaVendu 85 000 Gns
Peter & Ross Doyle Bloodstock
67N (Laqataat 2018)F18Twilight SonLaqataatVendu 210 000 Gns
John & Jake Warren
68N (Lauren Louise 2018)M18ShalaaLauren LouiseVendu 250 000 Gns
Blandford Bloodstock
69N (Law Of The Range 2018)F18ShowcasingLaw of The RangeVendu 65 000 Gns
Peter Harper
70N (Lawless Miss 2018)M18Dialed InLawless MissVendu 35 000 Gns
Global Equine Group
71N (Life Of Pi 2018)M18KodiacLife of PiVendu 300 000 Gns
Stroud Coleman Bloodstock
72N (Lily Of Kenmare 2018)M18No Nay NeverLily Of KenmareAbsent
73N (LILY OF THE LAKE 2018)F18ShalaaLily Of The LakeRacheté 105 000 Gns
74N (Local Fancy 2018)M18Cable BayLocal FancyAbsent
75N (Lonely Rock 2018)M18IffraajLonely RockVendu 38 000 Gns
JS Bloodstock / Tom Clover
76N (Love Street 2018)M18AwtaadLove StreetAbsent
77N (Majenta 2018)F18IffraajMajentaRacheté 60 000 Gns
78N (Maqdira 2018)F18Kodi BearMaqdiraVendu 20 000 Gns
Walter Buick
79N (Market Forces 2018)M18ZoffanyMarket ForcesAbsent
80N (Marsh Hawk 2018)M18SiyouniMarsh HawkVendu 250 000 Gns
John & Jake Warren
81N (Maureen 2018)M18Dark AngelMaureenVendu 65 000 Gns
Roger Teal
82N (Media Day 2018)M18BelardoMedia DayVendu 70 000 Gns
Howson & Houldsworth Bloodstock
83N (Meeznah 2018)F18DubawiMeeznahVendu 200 000 Gns
David Redvers Bloodstock
84N (Meydan Princess 2018)M18Twilight SonMeydan PrincessRacheté 40 000 Gns
85N (Mien 2018)M18Temple CityMienAbsent
86N (Miss Delila 2018)M18MuhaararMiss DelilaAbsent
87N (Miss Mary 2018)F18The Last LionMiss MaryNon vendu 19 000 Gns
88N (Mistress Greeley 2018)M18ShalaaMistress GreeleyAbsent
89N (Mitre Peak 2018)F18Oasis DreamMitre PeakAbsent
90N (Model Queen 2018)M18SiyouniModel QueenVendu 70 000 Gns
Nasir Askar
91N (Mollie'S Girl 2018)M18Dandy ManMollie'S GirlVendu 42 000 Gns
Blandford Bloodstock / A Watson
92N (Monsusu 2018)M18BuratinoMonsusuAbsent
93N (Moon Empress 2018)M18The GurkhaMoon EmpressVendu 80 000 Gns
Highflyer Bloodstock / A King
94N (Music In Exile 2018)M18ShowcasingMusic In ExileAbsent
95N (Naayla 2018)M18FarhhNaaylaVendu 55 000 Gns
Aidan O'Ryan
96N (Najraan 2018)M18KodiacNajraanVendu 220 000 Gns
A C Elliott, Agent
97N (Nutshell 2018)M18Dandy ManNutshellRacheté 70 000 Gns
98N (Olympic Medal 2018)M18AdaayOlympic MedalVendu 70 000 Gns
Highflyer Bloodstock / A King
99N (On Location 2018)M18AcclamationOn LocationAbsent
100N (Passionable 2018)F18Bated BreathPassionableVendu 75 000 Gns
Blandford Bloodstock / George Baker
101N (Paulinie 2018)M18BelardoPaulinieAbsent
102N (PEPPLES SHUFFLE 2018)F18MyboycharliePepples ShuffleVendu 25 000 Gns
Blandford Bloodstock
103N (Ponty Acclaim 2018)F18Pride Of DubaiPonty AcclaimAbsent
104N (Poppet's Passion 2018)M18IffraajPoppet'S PassionVendu 40 000 Gns
Rabbah Bloodstock
105N (Postale 2018)M18MuhaararPostaleAbsent
106N (Poster Girl 2018)F18Noble MissionPoster GirlVendu 58 000 Gns
Blandford Bloodstock
107N (Puzzler 2018)M18MuhaararPuzzlerAbsent
108N (Queenofthenorth 2018)F18Dandy ManQueenofthenorthAbsent
109N (Rancho Montoya 2018)M18KodiacRancho MontoyaVendu 33 000 Gns
JS Bloodstock / Tom Clover
110Mind That JetM18KodiacRateAbsent
111N (Recite 2018)M18Invincible SpiritReciteVendu 125 000 Gns
Apple Tree Stud / Barberini
112N (Reclamation 2018)M18Invincible SpiritReclamationVendu 50 000 Gns
Highflyer Bloodstock / A King
113N (Red Bandanna 2018)F18Night Of ThunderRed BandannaVendu 50 000 Gns
Mohammed Hamad Khalifa Al Attiyah
114N (Remember 2018)M18Invincible SpiritRememberAbsent
115N (Rio Cobra 2018)F18Night Of ThunderRio CobraAbsent
116N (ROYAL HIGHNESS 2018)M18ShalaaRoyal HighnessAbsent
117N (Sabaweeya 2018)M18KodiacSabaweeyaRacheté 60 000 Gns
118N (Salome 2018)F18Havana GoldSalomeVendu 26 000 Gns
Stamina Turf
119N (School Run 2018)F18Lope De VegaSchool RunVendu 60 000 Gns
De Burgh Equine
120N (Seafront 2018)M18Dark AngelSeafrontAbsent
121N (Shamarbelle 2018)M18BernardiniShamarbelleVendu 75 000 Gns
Armando Duarte
122N (Shehila 2018)F18Dandy ManShehilaAbsent
123N (Shim Sham 2018)M18ShalaaShim ShamAbsent
124N (Snooki 2018)F18California ChromeSnookiAbsent
125N (SNOW LADY 2018)M18Noble MissionSnow LadyVendu 40 000 Gns
Jill Lamb Bloodstock
126N (Souville 2018)M18ShalaaSouvilleVendu 50 000 Gns
Johnston Racing
127N (Spiliada 2018)M18StarspangledbannerSpiliadaVendu 75 000 Gns
Jamie Osborne
128N (Stybba 2018)M18Charm SpiritStybbaVendu 15 000 Gns
Halcyon Thoroughbreds (P.S.)
129N (Sufoof 2018)M18Exceed And ExcelSufoofVendu 140 000 Gns
130N (Suite 2018)F18HarzandSuiteVendu 17 000 Gns
Ronald Mervyn Rivers
131N (SUSHI TUNA 2018)M18Holy Roman EmperorSushi TunaAbsent
132N (Tell Me Now 2018)F18War FrontTell Me NowAbsent
133N (Terre du Vent 2018)F18KingmanTerre du VentVendu 62 000 Gns
Blandford Bloodstock / George Baker
134N (Thurayaat 2018)M18Night Of ThunderThurayaatVendu 575 000 Gns
Blandford Bloodstock
135N (Tifariti 2018)M18MehmasTifaritiVendu 16 000 Gns
Sayed Hashish
136N (Top Row 2018)F18Kodi BearTop RowVendu 22 000 Gns
Jedd O'Keeffe (P.S.)
137N (Ultra Appeal 2018)M18AustraliaUltra AppealVendu 135 000 Gns
Avenue Bloodstock
138N (Venturous Spirit 2018)M18MuhaararVenturous SpiritVendu 12 000 Gns
CGW Bloodstock
139N (Victoria Sponge 2018)M18AcclamationVictoria SpongeVendu 18 000 Gns
Eid Abdulhakim Abhamsi
140N (Vitello 2018)M18KodiacVitelloVendu 40 000 Gns
Sheikh Abdullah Almalek Alsabah
141N (Walaaa 2018)M18MehmasWalaaaVendu 130 000 Gns
Peter & Ross Doyle Bloodstock
142N (Whirly Bird 2018)M18KingmanWhirly BirdVendu 60 000 Gns
Johnston Racing (P.S.)
143N (Winds of Time 2018)F18Dutch ArtWinds of TimeVendu 22 000 Gns
John Butler Racing (P.S.)
144N (Winifred Jo 2018)M18AdaayWinifred JoVendu 155 000 Gns
A C Elliott, Agent
145N (Woolstone 2018)F18CamachoWoolstoneVendu 40 000 Gns
Red House Stables
146N (Zain Time 2018)M18KodiacZain TimeVendu 100 000 Gns
Oliver St Lawrence Bloodstock
147N (Caelica 2018)F18AcclamationCaelicaVendu 80 000 Gns
Michael O'Callaghan (P.S.)
148N (Ermine Ruby 2018)F18KodiacErmine RubyVendu 37 000 Gns
Jack Cantillon
149N (Jadanna 2018)M18Brazen BeauJadannaAbsent
150N (Kirunavaara 2018)M18Pearl SecretKirunavaaraVendu 25 000 Gns
Wadham Racing / WH Bloodstock
151N (Larella 2018)M18SiyouniLarellaAbsent
152N (Lemonette 2018)F18Hard SpunLemonetteVendu 375 000 Gns
Cool Silk Partnership / Stroud Coleman
153N (Patience Alexander 2018)M18AwtaadPatience AlexanderAbsent
154N (I'm So Glad 2018)F18ShalaaI'M So GladVendu 42 000 Gns
Two For One Racing